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Thanks to an old friend over at Handspring my new Treo 300 arrived on Monday. Despite my concerns earlier this year about the Treo 180 and 280, I am very happy with this new device....
I need your assistance
I'm doing a bit of research on thought leaders who blog. The gentleman pictured on the left is of course the rock star Moby. He blogs. He doesn't use Blogger, but we will let that...
Amelie in Rio
ESPM Rio lobby interior - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - August 22, 2002I took this picture with my old Nikon Coolpix 800 (I have an 885 model now). The original photo looked pretty good but...
Know peace. No war.
Nuclear holy warriors? Does Bush know that he isn't fighting a cartoon super villain? No? Oh well then proceed by all means for the embetterment of mankind. The USA isn't easily fooled, again, or something....
Blog*Spot Plus
Announcing Blog*Spot Plus! What is Blog*Spot Plus you say? Well for all current Blog*Spot users you know that while Blog*Spot is a cool place to keep your blog, we haven't allowed the uploading of images...
From the 'what ever happened to that idea' dept.
I clipped the above photo from a car magazine back in the days when my dream car was a Porsche 944. I'm not sure what ever became of the idea of a VW Scooter. It...
My 2nd Blogiversary
I've been using Blogger for 2 years as of today. In fact, I liked the service so much that I now work for the company behind Blogger (Ok, you probably knew that already). Blogging has...
It's you or me spam, and it sure isn't gonna be me
Looks like there is quite a bit of headway being made in the spam killing, unwanted email thwarting space lately. A while back, I had requested that someone build a SpamCop auto-reporter for Outlook on...
Blogging wirelessly
I'm not sure quite what this means but 90% of the laptops here at the O'reilly Emerging Tech conference are Apples. I'm a Sony Vaio man myself.Also, not that anyone would want to do this,...
Daypop and Blogdex, get ready to 'disco'.
A while back dack told me he was working on a movie. I'm pretty sure this isn't it, but it is still great. Check out 'disco' a new film by dack. Just the thing to...
So Drew's corner of the web is shaping up. I just added a guestbook to his site and the first Drew gallery will be up soon. Stop by and say hi if you like. Plus,...
Home at last and feeling fine
[ Drew Shellen on Day 3 of life ]The first of many Drew pictures to come over the next few days. Thanks for all the kind email, prayers and comments. His lungs are working great...
It's a boy!
Andrew Michael Shellen (you can call him Drew) was born today at 5:49AM. A whopping 9 pounds and 4 ounces of pure joy! He's a strong little guy and cute too. I'll try and get...
Go Hoosiers!
April fools aside, this isn't a joke. Indiana University is in the NCAA Championship game tonight and my Dad is beside himself. It's not just the fact that his hometown of Swayzee, IN (population 1,100)...
Dr. Strangelink or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Googlebomb
Psst! You there... yeah come closer. Ok, that was too close now there's a smudge on the monitor. I have a secret. It's about the googlebomb, or Google bomb or link bombing or whatever you...
Last year when I shot a few pictures of snow-covered Mission Peak in Fremont, California I described it by saying 'snow is very rare here'. I think that in light of the above photo taken...
I hate it when idiots run the show. Heather Hamilton was let go from her company because of the views she expressed on her blog. However, she never named names and her only real crime...
At the risk of losing all male readership
The past few months of preparation for our coming child have been interesting. I've assembled a crib, a cradle, a rocking chair, a stroller, a set of shelves and a changing table. I've painted the...
What a weird day for PayPal to screw Pyra over
So, this is shitty. Ugh! I have been a huge advocate of PayPal too. I even have the nifty see-thru PayPal Visa. I'll have to think twice about keeping that one. Pyrads, Waredevil and Blogger...
...and I'm usually a 'glass half full' kinda guy
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I should not be allowed to drink iced tea, except in the shower or tub under adult supervision. Possibly out of a Tommy Tippy cup. The...
I Think I Screwed Up Data
I think I screwed up the data...I ran across a link to my site, a review of shellen.com that is part of a student project on the topic, Presentation of Self in Weblogs. The project...
Macworld I Am Planning On Attending
Macworld!I am planning on attending Macworld next week however I don't have an expo pass yet. Anyone out there have a spare pass? I'll be there on Monday for the keynote. If you are a...
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