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Ghosts of Christmas past: 1988
I'm joining LiveJournal as VP of Product Development
From the announcement to the LiveJournal community: We are happy to announce that Jason Shellen will be joining the team as our new Vice President of Product Development at LiveJournal, Inc. Jason comes to us...
Everyone's a critic
Regarding my call for feedback on my new blog design the other day:I took a peek.You asked, so I'll tell you.It's great except the lettering on the "shellen.com"title at the top looks kind of fuzzy...
Next year: Stephen King novel adaptation in graham cracker
My youngest brother Grant explains in his post that we had a friendly little graham cracker house making party at Mom's recently. My competitive spirit lay dormant until he reminded me in the midst of...
I'll say it, Shellen is a tease
A preponderance of choices from jasonshellen on Vimeo.The other day I chronicled how I was feeling about a decision or two I'm in the middle of making. I think I've made up my mind but...
My email is s-l-o-w and I've redesigned
Since sometime last week all email sent to all addresses at this domain @shellen.com started getting the slowdown treatment. That's because I'm using Dreamhost to host this website and all mail forwards. My email is...
Too much status?
As my friend Ryan says "You can never have too much status.". That may be true but this is a lot of my laptop screen to devote to Google Talk, AIM, Twitterific, and Skype. I'm...
A footnote in blogging history
A long time ago (2002), Dave McClure told me 'Just think, one of these days there will be so many Blogger users you'll have to have a blogging conference!' This weeks Blog World Expo and...
Save more than pennies
Motivated by Blog Action Day and These Come From Trees, I started thinking about all the physical junk mail that I still receive every day of every week even after filling out the JunkBusters form....
The Secret Agency
Maybe you know the story of how Blogger was born out of a small company called Pyra Labs. It wasn't the first or only Pyra product. Google Reader was birthed out of Google's Labs program....
Last day at Google
The response to my last post has been fantastic. I've had a ton of really nice email and an abundance of comments. Thanks to everyone who wrote in and just a few quick follow-ups to...
My time at Google, by the numbers
I joined Google as part of the Blogger acquisition in February 2003. There were only six of us on the Pyra Labs team and we were Google's first acquisition*. Google was only about 600 employees...
On vacation at the lake
On vacation at the lake Originally uploaded by jasonshellen Happy Fourth of July (or Third for my old pal Clint G). See you next week.
I've never really asked much of my readers
Other than tolerating my terse, poorly written personal posts, suffering Google product announcements, and the occasional photos - I haven't really asked much of you, my dear readers. However, my youngest brother, Grant has a...
Labor vs. Capital: Dodgeball style
Last Friday was the Labor vs. Capital 1st Annual Dodgeball tournament put together by Hunter Walk and David Hornik. It was entrepreneurs vs. VC's but this time the entrepreneurs dished out the terms. Labor took...
When burning is a good thing
Sometimes burning is a good thing, for instance when making creme brulée, having a bonfire on the beach, or even better - burning your feeds with FeedBurner. Today Google announced the acquisition of FeedBurner. It's...
Funny, but it stings a little
Ev has a post up about branding that I like. He calls it pretty well, but sometimes inside the company it's a little more painful when you were pulling for a sub-brand or standalone and...
SXSW Blogger party update
"This is Blogger. And we party with scarves on."Please read the fine print: You have to find a member of the Blogger team beforehand in Austin. Asking now won't help, my invites are in Austin...
Talk talk
...so I'm back from vacation and it turns out I didn't have more time to blog. Pity that, however I'll do a break wrap-up post soon. Meanwhile, I was asked to be on the Heather...
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