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Thing Labs joins AOL
I’m incredibly happy to share with you today that my company Thing Labs is merging with AOL. Thing Labs has come a long way in the last two years, and we’ve built products I love...
We still miss you Mike
Five years ago today, my father-in-law Michael J. Fitzpatrick passed away suddenly. It was a shock then and sometimes it's still hard to believe he's gone. I was asked to say a few words at...
Charles in charge
Today my youngest brother Grant and his wife Heather welcomed a beautiful baby boy to the world. Meet Charles Andersen Shellen. You can call him Charlie. I know this photo isn't my best look but...
A reminder: the title sets the tone
Star Wars vs Saul Bass from Amazing Stories on Vimeo.
Kaiser meet social media
My medical provider Kaiser Permanente just sent an email update on their H1N1 flu vaccine availability with the helpful sounding subject line: H1N1 vaccine now available to all Kaiser Permanente members. Previously, they would only...
A small feed related note
If you are reading this in a feed reader then you are probably subscribed to my Feedburner-ized feed of shellen dot com, which is cool, but as of today I decided to stop blending in...
Video-enabled digital SLRs go hip-hop
I knew that after buying a fancy new camera, the Canon 50D, that Canon would release one with HD video soon. True to form, just a few months after I made my purchase Canon released...
A robin among the persimmons
I took this photo outside our house the other day. This photo is also part of a test I'm doing. I uploaded the photo here with Picasa for Mac's BlogThis plug-in but I also uploaded...
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