Our project launched

Jason Shellen
18 years ago · 1 min read

I've been telling friends for a little while that I haven't really been full time on Blogger for a while, that I am going full bore on something new we dreamt up. Finally, our project launched today and I can't believe I'm still awake - so tired. I'm going to bed now but I thought a quick chronology of today was in order:

  • Announced Google Reader now on Labs at Web 2.0
  • Slashdot, Metafilter and everyone and their brother visited and tried to upload all their subscriptions
  • Servers became not happy (one bad seed I suspect!)
  • Servers became happy shortly thereafter
  • Lots of blog posts complain that the service is slow but it's BETTER. We swear!
  • Lots of folks say nice things about it Reader in general
  • Problem with some OPML imports reported
  • Fix patched in to address issue
  • Keep making it better for the foreseeable future
What can I say, we are flattered at the turn out. Big shout out to the engineers on the Reader team. It's been a lot of fun, and a lot of work. Can't wait to continue! More on Reader soon, must sleep.